
  • Automated Elixir Code Review with Github, Credo and Travis CI

    Automated Elixir Code Review with Github, Credo and Travis CI

    While I was working on the Elixir, I realized that it would be nice to have some static code analysis tool integrate with you build process. In Elixir world we have a credo. It’s a very nice tool we can add to our mix.exs file and analyze our project simply typing:
    24 August 2016 ・ Reading time: 2 minutes
  • Deploy Elixir application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    Deploy Elixir application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    Lately I was playing with AWS. I’m just wondering how can I easily deploy Elixir application with Elastic Beanstalk. Quickly I found exrm. It’s a great tool for generating elixir/erlang project releases. So I added to my deps in mix.exs something like this:
    21 July 2016 ・ Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Inesita - What Is The Difference?

    Inesita - What Is The Difference?

    This is another quick post about Inesita. Lot of people asked me about differences to other framework Clearwater. I’ll try to describe them all.
    13 December 2015 ・ Reading time: 2 minutes
  • Inesita - Who Is She?

    Inesita - Who Is She?

    Who am I ? I am a simple, light, Ruby front-end framework. Yes, Ruby, it’s all about Ruby, and its ecosystem. Do you know me ? You really should check her site.
    4 November 2015
  • Having fun with opal and sprockets

    Having fun with opal and sprockets

    Let’s try Opal. I don’t want to setup a Rails application. Just static html with javascript written in Opal, stylesheets in SASS, and HTML in Slim. Also we want to use JQuery like methods to select DOM elements. We use sprockets, an assets pipeline from rails, and rails-assets to manage javascript libraries.
    29 April 2015 ・ Reading time: 2 minutes
  • Fishy prompt widgets

    Fishy prompt widgets

    Fish is a nice shell, its nice, lite, fast, and have a lot of features. One of them is universal variables. This variables are shared across sessions. This is very useful when I want to have a nice handy information in the prompt. We don’t want to execute command every time thats prompt appears. Lets use them.
    23 April 2015 ・ Reading time: 3 minutes
  • MRuby by Example

    MRuby by Example

    In mean time I was playing with MRuby. Embeded it into a VST and describe in my last post. The results of it is an MRubyByExample. Its well documented snippets of C and ruby code used with MRuby. You can also compile it and see it working. Checkout github repository and execute rake. Compiled, documented, executed!
    19 April 2015
  • MRuby within VST

    MRuby within VST

    From time to time, I want to just do something more than a Rails app. Recently I just looked at MRuby.
    13 April 2015
  • Ember-cli with Coffee and Emblem

    Ember-cli with Coffee and Emblem

    In mean time, I want to try ember.js app. Just an ember.js app without any backend. I really don’t like plain javascript. CoffeeScript it my choice, and of course emblem, slim like beautiful template engine. Get it on.
    9 April 2015
  • My first textmate bundle

    My first textmate bundle

    When I saw, that Textmate 2 supports gutter informations, I want to use it somehow. While is no good Rubocop bundle, I want to make my own. It supports different icons for all severities that rubocop reports. Check this out!
    27 November 2014
  • 5 years later ...

    5 years later ...

    Welcome BACK! After 5 years I decided to clean up my stuff. Blog is moved here on github page with jekyll. Many sites are unavailable because of hosting problems. I’m trying to move everything to my github.
    25 November 2014
  • Moving from rubyforge to github

    Moving from rubyforge to github

    Finally I moved my rubyforge repositories to github and gems to gruby colorize RDoc documentation is now on gruby colorize It was quite easy. But there is necessary to use jeweler ? The only thing I need is gemspec file. Build and push are made by gem. There is any thiny tool that can manage version and gemspec files ?
    23 November 2009