FAZIC is a fantasy retro computer. You can create, share, and play tiny games or programs. You have the built-in BASIC interpreter, so you can start now like it’s the 80s.
Pixel frame like project, but with Raspberry Pi inside. Related links: pix_project pix_elixir pix_kernel pix_ruby
Elixir Engine For CodeClimate
Github: https://github.com/fazibear/codeclimate-credo Code Climate engine for Credo a static code analysis tool for the Elixir Language.
Open source Retro Web SID Player Related links: https://inesid.fazibear.me https://github.com/fazibear/inesid
Funny app that turns your face into ascii art! Build with Inesita. Links: https://asciifyme.fazibear.me/ https://github.com/fazibear/asciify-me
Sprint Poker
Online estimation tool for Agile teams. Links: https://sprintpoker.io https://github.com/elpassion/sprint-poker https://github.com/elpassion/sprint-poker-inesita https://github.com/elpassion/sprint-poker-react
Inesita is a web frontend framework for fast building browser application using Ruby. It uses Virtual DOM for page render.
MRuby embedded in VST
VST plugin with MRuby as a scripting language. Github: https://github.com/fazibear/mrubyvst